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Towny Towny 6 - Changelog #1
Rubyo3000 Owner SysAdmin Verified
27 posts
17 topics
Minecraft: Rubyo3000
2 months ago


Hello everyone,

We’re excited to bring you the latest updates to our server! This changelog covers a variety of fixes, changes, and known issues. Let’s dive into the details:


  1. Fixed Magic Dust Shop.
  2. Fixed no platform under some of the shop floors.
  3. Fixed spawn enchantment table not getting up to 30 level options due to carpet.
  4. Fixed daily shadowpass quests not refreshing.
  5. Fixed free shadowpass weekly quests sometimes containing premium quests.
  6. Fixed crates not working on the release.
  7. Fixed Rare Crate not correctly giving the Core Crate Key.
  8. Fixed the names of the diamond armor rewards from the Vote Crate starting with '&b'.
  9. Fixed spawners dropping when mined (even without Silk Touch).
    • The correct behavior now applies, where natural spawners drop 2–6 Spawner Shards when mined.
    • Player-placed spawners can still be mined without issues.
  10. Fixed a bunch of permission issues to allow new or changed game features to be used.
  11. Fixed mining quartz ore not paying in the Netherworker job.
  12. Fixed unintended crafting recipes to custom items being part of the game.
  13. Fixed the Multiplication CE needing Souls to operate.
    • If you already have a book that does state the need for them, please ask an admin to replace the CE with a new one.
  14. Fixed dinosaur mobs causing a lot of lag.
    • Dinosaurs now use the same spawning behaviors as passive mobs (cows, pigs, etc.).
    • This also fixes the issue of them spawning inside towns.
  15. Fixed the pinata sometimes jumping into the spawn build itself during a pinata party.
  16. Fixed money/exp pouches pinata party rewards not working.
  17. Fixed crabs not being able to deal damage in the fishing pool at spawn.
  18. Fixed rank kit previews not matching the actual rank kits.
  19. Fixed vote tokens/treasure tokens not stacking when given separately (like when voting or finding multiple TH crates).
  20. Fixed towns of type "Settlement" not being able to set an outpost.
  21. Removed access to a few game-breaking commands in TH (/speed, /top, /backpack, etc.).
  22. The server now remembers your choice to show or hide the scoreboard (using /board or /scoreboard) when you leave and join again.
  23. You are now able to hide yourself from the dynamic map using /hide.
    • Use /show to reappear on the map.
  24. Fixed the "$100 added to the lottery pot" reward from voting.


  1. Changed magic dust prices to match other in-game valuations.
  2. Removed the differences in night and day durations between different seasons.
  3. Removed the green aurora effect, as it also affected players underground/in their bases.
  4. Reduced the differences in chance of precipitation between the different seasons:
    • Spring: 20%;
    • Summer: 10%;
    • Fall: 25%;
    • Winter: 30%.
  5. Adjusted the length of a single season to better match the "5 seasons per era" objective.
  6. Adjusted the new chat filter to make it less picky. Further adjustments may be made in the future.
  7. Improved the value of the rewards in the Vote Crate + switched some low-value rewards out for money/exp pouches.
  8. Changed the required percentage of online players to sleep and skip the night to 50%.
  9. Changed the color of towns on the dynamic map for better visibility.
  10. Slightly increase the amount of McMMO xp needed to level skills.
  11. Dinosaurs now also drop items + exp when killed.
    • Aggressive dinosaurs have a 50% chance to drop treasure tokens, along with other items.
  12. Increased the announce timer from 5s to 20s when a pinata party starts.
  13. To prevent players from missing out, every online player will receive 5 Vote Tokens and a Vote Crate Key at the end of a pinata party.
  14. Added TH crate locators to the pinata party rewards.
  15. Disabled fishing tournaments that require different biomes.
  16. Replaced the TH crate locator with a spawner shard in the treasure shop.
  17. Changed the active fishing tournament message in the scoreboard to prevent it from being too wide.
  18. Reduced the needed votes to receive your daily Vote Crate Key from 5 votes to 4 votes.

Important Known Issues

  1. Black Scroll purchase in /ce: This is a plugin issue reported to the developers. We're awaiting a response.
  2. Voting Leaderboard isn’t working: A fix should be implemented within 24 hours.
  3. LWC protections can be bypassed using hoppers/hopper carts: This is a plugin issue we can't resolve ourselves. Abusing this issue is against the rules and will be taken very seriously.
  4. Our resource pack plugin doesn’t support 1.21.4: It’s recommended to keep using 1.21.1 for now.
  5. The /vp claim command doesn’t work for the Vote Crate Key: A fix should be implemented within 24 hours.
  6. Elytras cause weird behavior in the TH arena.


Thank you for your patience and continued support! If you have any questions or encounter further issues, let us know.


Much Love,

- SK Staff 💙

Last edited: 2 months ago x 1