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Server upgrades in progress
1 minute read

Hey everyone,

As you may still remember from a few announcements ago, we've been working on new features and systems to modernise the network. The first of these upgrades will launch on ShadowKingdom's birthday on April 1st! Very exciting stuff is coming🙂

In order for us to make all of our planned changes possible, we will need to take down all of our services for a bit. More specifically, the store has been disabled now and the network will be taken down at 31 March 2024 06:00 GMT.

The re-open of the network, along with it's new features, is planned  for 1 April 2024 18:00 GMT

We will keep you up to date about the progress of the upgrades and in case the planned re-opening of the network needs to change.

Much Love,
SK staff

Towny 6 Release Delay Announcement
Towny 6 Release Delay Announcement
Dear everyone, We regret to inform you that the release of Towny 6, initially scheduled for July 5th, will need to be delayed. This decision was made to ensure the best possible experience for our players with the upcoming update. The Towny 6...
2 minute read