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Denied Brenny Staff Application
Topic Locked
Brenny___ Verified
1 posts
1 topics
Minecraft: Brenny___
3 months ago

1.What is you current ingame name?


2.What is your discord username?


3.How old are you?


4.What timezone are you in?


5. Why would you like to be staff?

I am really passionate about the server and would love to help out with making it even better! I believe that I can be a great addition to the server having rough knowledge of things like implementing new features with custom textures/items into the server using resource packs within the resource pack folders. I'm also good at listening to what the players want for the server while maintaining my beliefs of what is the best direction for the server to head in.

6.How much time would you be able to be online on the network?

I can play at least 4 hours a day, however my job does consume the majority of my time, and is my top priority in my life at the moment.

7.Do you have any experience being a staff member on a minecraft server or discord server? And if yes, why did it end?

I worked mostly as the main developer on a server which was originally mostly for friends but eventually expanded into a bigger survival server in which it had around 30 players on, however it ended due to the server costing too much for the owner, and me just not having time due to personal issues getting in my way and getting burnt out, putting an end to the server as a whole.

8.If you had to change anything on ShadowKingdom, what would it be and why?

I think for the server to remain fresh, add new seasonal custom items and armour into the game, whether it comes from crates, crafting or seasonal events, I think that it adds a new look to the game we all have played for the years we've been on the server, and it adds continuity to the game being more than just having an endgame of Protection 5 netherite armour.

9.Do you have any suggestions or projects you would like to work on?

I'd love to take a closer look at the economy, getting the server into more of a cycle of money over generating it through jobs, it will bring back something that has been struggling since the end of T4, and could be balanced a lot better than it currently is. For example, the salvage exploit that the majority of the playerbase has been using, it had to be nerfed, however, with that other jobs should have been looked at and taken into consideration that the economy should not be where it is right now, some people have too much for this stage, but some people have too little money.

10.Any additional comments?

I want to emphasise I have been no saint in the past, with a couple mutes and a 7 day ban which I managed to get reduced to 3 days. Back then I was a very different person I am today, I care for the server as well as I care for myself, those mistakes I made I have learnt from and now I understand the points where I can be going too far, and will always back out of an argument if I am. I hope that you do remove that history from this application and think of how I am now as a player, but I also do understand if it sways your opinion out of my favour.


Last edited: 14 days ago x 1
Rubyo3000 Owner SysAdmin Verified
27 posts
17 topics
Minecraft: Rubyo3000
14 days ago

Dear Brenny___,

Thank you for taking the time to submit a staff application for the ShadowKingdom network and for your interest in contributing to our team. We apologize for the delay in responding to your application—this was an oversight on our part, and we regret any inconvenience this may have caused.

After careful consideration, we have reviewed your application alongside your history on our network. While we appreciate your enthusiasm and willingness to step up as a staff member, we’ve decided not to move forward with your application at this time. This decision is based on certain aspects of your past behavior on the server, which we feel are not fully consistent with the qualities we seek in our staff team.

We value all members of our community and encourage you to continue enjoying ShadowKingdom as a player. If you’d like feedback on how to strengthen a future application or address the concerns we’ve noted, please feel free to reach out—we’d be happy to provide guidance.

Thank you again for your interest and for your patience while awaiting this response. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, don’t hesitate to contact a member of the staff team.

Best regards,
SK Staff

Last edited: 14 days ago